How can we help you?

Just switched

Am I fully signed up yet?

You’re fully signed up to SSE Airtricity once you receive your welcome letter in the post with:

  1. Confirmation of your switch to SSE Airtricity, and
  2. Your SSE Airtricity account number

This should arrive within 3 weeks of the date you switched over.

Transferring your supply

Approximately 4 to 6 weeks after your sign-up is confirmed your previous supplier will send you your final bill. This indicates that your final meter reading has been accepted and your supply has been transferred to SSE Airtricity.

After this you will receive your first SSE Airtricity bill. This should arrive 8 to 10 weeks after you first contact us.

Important things to know

  1. Timings may vary, but everything should happen within 8 to 10 weeks
  2. Don’t worry if you don’t hear from us – this means your switch is going as planned. We’ll only call you if something goes wrong.
  3. Your supply won’t ever be interrupted, even if the switching process takes longer than normal.

Find out more about what happens during the switching process and when to contact us.

Phone us
0345 601 9093

Monday to Friday
8am - 6:30pm  

Saturday and Bank Holidays 
10am - 6pm

Message our customer support

Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you and make sure you have the best experience with our company*