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Meter readings

Smart meter

The digital display screen on your new smart meter shows your current meter reading in Kilowatts per hour (kWh). To read the new meter, note the figures on the screen before "kWh" from left to right and include all digits.

To read your meter:

  1. Read the numbers from left to right, including any zeros (As shown in the image below highlighted in the red rectangle)
  2. Ignore any numbers after the decimal point. If your meter does not have a decimal point, read all numbers, including any zeros.

Initially, the meter will continue to be read manually by ESB Networks. From 2021 onwards it will be read automatically.

To manually submit your meter read you will need to have your 11-digit MPRN number to hand. This can be found on your electricity supply bill and always starts with ’10’.

Visit YouTube for a video demonstration from ESB Networks which can be found under the heading of Smart meter.

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