How can we help you?

Online services

What if I have multiple properties under one account?

If you have more than one property on your account, you’ll only need to register for My Account once. This login will allow you to view and manage all of your properties, here are some of the things you can do once you register:

Billing and Payments

  1. View billing and payments history for each individual property
  2. Download or print PDFs of your bills
  3. Check your current account balance
  4. Find out when your next bill is due
  5. Compare your bills and energy use for individual properties or all properties
  6. Download historical data on your bills, payments and energy use
  7. Make a payment

Meter Readings

  1. Submit meter readings
  2. View your meter reading history for each individual property
  3. Download historical data on your meter readings

Your Account Details

  1. Update your email or phone number
  2. Sign up for or cancel eBilling

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0818 81 22 20

Monday to Friday: 8am - 6:30pm

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