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Moving house

How do I transfer my SSE Airtricity account to my new property?

Your account is specific to your property, so you can’t transfer it when you move. You’ll need to close your existing account and open a new account for your new home. You can do this by:

  1. Logging in to My Account (available to Electricity-only customers)
  2. Calling us on 0818 40 40 70

To close your existing account, you will need:

  1. Meter readings from your last day in the property. Note: If the property has a smart meter for electricity with Interval (30 minute) Smart Services enabled, there is no need to submit a reading as the usage will be logged remotely. If the meter has Non-Interval (Bi-Monthly) Smart Services enabled, you should submit a meter reading when moving out as with a standard meter. Be sure to always include a gas meter reading if your premise has a gas meter.
  2. Your new address so we can send your final bill
  3. Contact details for your old property – either the landlord if you were renting or the new occcupiers if you were selling.

To open your new account, you will need:

  1. For electricity – the MPRN of your new property
  2. For gas – the GPRN of your new property
  3. Meter reading(s) from your new property on the day you move in (this is optional, but it helps make your first bill more accurate).

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