Considering switching

What if I'm moving into a newly built house?

If your house or apartment is in a scheme

  • Ask your builder or estate agent for your property's MPRN (for electricity) and/or GPRN (for gas)
  • Call our Sales team on 0818 81 81 10 and let us know that yours is a new connection site
  • You will be contacted by ESB Networks or Gas Networks Ireland to arrange for your meter to be installed.

If your house is self-built

Before you do any work - dial before you dig

It's important to check the location of any underground gas pipes BEFORE carrying out any work on your property.

Whoever is doing the work (whether it's you, a builder or a contractor) should always dial before they dig by calling 0818 42 77 47. Gas Networks Ireland will then provide the necessary information for working safely in the vicinity of gas pipes. You can also download a safety advice booklet for working in the vicinity of gas pipelines.

In the event that a pipeline is damaged while work is being carried out on your property, you may be liable to pay the repair cost of the pipeline to Gas Networks Ireland.

Phone Us
0818 81 22 20

Monday to Friday: 8am - 6:30pm

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