How can we help you?

Budget plan

How does it work?

Monthly payments

We’ll calculate your total energy costs for the next year based on:

  1. Your past and current energy usage
  2. Time of year
  3. Your rates

Your SSE Airtricity Budget Plan monthly payment is this total divided by 12. We also apply a 5% consumption tolerance on monthly energy use to cover changes in your typical energy use and any price changes that may be applied during the period. (For new customers we apply an initial 15% consumption tolerance reducing to 5% after the first four months – this is because we do not have any previous consumption history for the account.)

We’ll then email you to tell you your monthly Budget Plan payment amount.

You'll receive your first SSE Airtricity Budget Plan bill within the next month. Your first direct debit will be deducted 14 days after you bill has issued. (Please note your billing date may be brought forward if it's less than a month since your last bill.)

Your monthly payment amount is reviewed every four months, and is adjusted up or down depending on energy use over the previous period and seasonal factors.

Monthly Bills

You’ll receive a monthly bill which shows your recent payments, your energy usage and costs, and your account balance.

Regular reviews

After every 4th bill, we'll review your monthly payment amount to ensure that it is working for you and to prevent debit or large credit balances building up on your account.

Credit or debit balances can occur when:

  1. Your usage changes significantly (e.g., you built a house extension)
  2. Your rates change, or
  3. Your bill was estimated

If it needs to change your new monthly payment will appear on your next bill, with details explaining that the amount has been updated.

To keep your monthly payments as accurate as possible you can submit regular meter readings. This gives us accurate usage information to go by when we review your monthly payment amount (after every 4th bill).

Annual review

Each Budget Plan cycle is 12 months - at the end of the cycle we'll review all your payments and charges for the year. If your account is in credit, or in debit under €500 we'll roll this over to your next cycle.

However if your account is in debit over €500 you'll be asked to pay this balance before starting your next cycle.

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0818 81 22 20

Monday to Friday: 8am - 6:30pm

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