How can we help you?

Just switched

How can I check the status of my switch?

The best way to check the status of your switch is to see where you are in the switching process and what you should have received. We can only give estimates about how long the process will take as timings vary between customers, and parts of the switch are determined by other parties e.g., verifying your meter reading.

You should contact our Customer Service team if you experience a delay, i.e., if you don't receive:

  1. Your Welcome Letter within 3 weeks, or
  2. Your first SSE Airtricity bill within 8 to 10 weeks.
Phone us
0345 601 9093

Monday to Friday
8am - 6:30pm  

Saturday and Bank Holidays 
10am - 6pm

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Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you and make sure you have the best experience with our company*