How can we help you?

Smart metering

What control do I have over my smart interval meter data?

As a smart meter customer, when you switch to a time of use tariff, you will have a choice to either share your meter read once every two months or share your 30-minute usage data every day.

You will have an ongoing choice over whether your energy usage data is retrieved daily or not. So, at any point in time, you can choose not to have your 30-minute usage data logged and you can switch to non-interval services. You will still be subject to the terms and conditions of your contract and your tariff structure and rates may change. It will also impact some of the smart interval specific services that we provide to you. You will no longer have access to your 30-minute electricity usage information in your Business Online account and we will be unable to provide you energy saving hints and tips based on your energy consumption.

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